Bingo Session 90 Ball
Start Time 11/21/24 13:00:00
prijs 500,00
Total Game Sets 375
Numbers Horses Column 1 (1-15)
Purchase Cards No Total Prize 187.500,00 Total Awarded 187.500,00 Duration 01:37:11
Description DONKEY DERBY..get a donkey #1-15, eg, if # 1 then you need 1-16-31-46-61-76 out, 1st Donkey to fill gets 3 points, 2nd gets 2 points, 3rd gets 1 point, x8 to win , if only 1 or 2 donkeys fill game still counts
Winner Info
bynda36 , bonanza , shazzyshaz , Jan2win , blinkbarb , kimberleyh89 , Mive , Amber7 , lildarlyn04 , rosewater , MsDoe4 , Baroness1952 , achildofgod1982 , tinalou2010 , RebeccaWB , Bailey32 , fourboyznagirl , ginger70 , brerup , don13122 , bradlzz , NOLAB , HappyGirl60 , kwazykow , yuvoner
Bingo GameIds
23129305 , 23129332 , 23129343 , 23129361 , 23129376 , 23129391 , 23129406 , 23129420 , 23129437 , 23129457 , 23129473 , 23129499 , 23129528 , 23129542 , 23129561 , 23129577 , 23129594